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ESG Investment Solutions Strategy

Why work with us?

Understanding what ESG means to our clients is the first step in developing the right strategy. It all begins with a conversation. Multi-Manager Investment Managers' approach to ESG begins with a thorough examination of our clients' goals. We use a consultative approach to develop a solutions-based approach to assist in meeting them, drawing on the expertise of our 20+ independent asset managers.

A Distinct Structure

Each of us approaches ESG in a unique way, which allows us to match the expertise of our advisors with the needs and objectives of our clients.

Unique Capabilities

By employing a fundamental, bottom-up investment process the team aims to construct a diversified portfolio of undervalued global securities. They focus on identifying businesses that they believe exhibit four key criteria – undervaluation, high quality, balance sheet strength, and capable, shareholder-friendly management teams.

Flexible Partner

We begin by delving deeply into our clients' goals to develop a tailored, solution-based approach to meet their specific requirements.

A Firm Commitment from Everyone in the Group

The vast majority of our affiliated investment managers (Affiliates) have signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and have integrated ESG considerations into their investment analysis and decision-making processes. PRI signatories manage 97% of our assets (PRI due diligence questionnaire, 2021). 

By signing the PRI, these Affiliates agree to incorporate ESG into all aspects of their business, including investment analysis and decision-making, as well as ownership policies and practises.

General principles and expectations

We expect each Affiliate to incorporate ESG into their investment decisions, act as active owners (where applicable), and report on their strategies on a regular basis. We encourage our Affiliates to participate in impact and sustainable investment strategies.

A distinct network of specialised Affiliates

While most Affiliates provide ESG integration, some go the extra mile by providing sustainable or impact investment funds. These funds are typically based on positive screening or on themes centred on specific ESG issues, such as water management, job creation, smart cities, or climate change.

The investment strategies outlined here are offered by Multi-Manager through institutional separately managed accounts. The information and strategies discussed are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes and are primarily intended for institutional investors. They are not a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to buy or sell securities or to engage in any investment strategy. There is no guarantee that any of the strategies discussed will be successful. Past performance does not guarantee future outcomes. Every investment carries some level of risk. While there is the possibility of profit, there is also the possibility of loss.