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We are active equity investors with an overriding focus on growing our clients' wealth through fundamental bottom up stock selection.

Our Approach

At Multi-Manager, we recognize that investors are in pursuit of seasoned investment managers who possess the capability to surpass the market. Our investment specialists are united in their broad-based approach and competitive edge, placing emphasis on fostering long-term growth. As an investment firm, we adopt a bottom-up, benchmark indifferent strategy and aim for a high active share—factors that we trust contribute to long-lasting, stable performance.

We believe that what sets Multi-Manager apart is our responsibility, congruity, expertise, and results.


Our Philosophy

Bottom Up Investors

We utilize a fundamental bottom-up strategy to assemble a varied portfolio of companies that we anticipate will build value for shareholders progressively.

Although geopolitical and macroeconomic factors affect our country allocations and the sizing of individual positions, we regard macro analysis as a supportive tool to our bottom-up evaluation of possible risks and benefits.

Business Analysts

Primarily, we are business evaluators, concentrating on comprehending crucial elements like competitive standing, typical earning capacity throughout a business cycle, skill in allocating capital, honesty and incentives, as well as comprehensive corporate governance. Our qualitative analysis extends far beyond the confines of financial reports.


We aim for diversification across sectors and regions, and as generalists, our portfolio managers and analysts are free to pursue the most promising opportunities wherever they may emerge within a strategy's investable universe.

Our Focus

At Multi-Manager, our goal is to foster long-term growth for our investors.

We strive to fulfill our fundamental commitment by integrating comprehensive in-house research with a structured method to portfolio development.

Our ESG Approach

Multi-Manager is a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investing. We recognize our responsibility to evaluate the possible financial effects of companies' exposure to, and handling of, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters.

At Multi-Manager, we consider the incorporation of responsible investing to be a foundational part of our investment process.

Our Climate Action Plan

As a firm, we are dedicated to our focus – both as a business and investor – on guaranteeing that significant climate risks are handled suitably, that our impact on detrimental climate outcomes is minimized to the greatest extent possible, and that we leverage our influence whenever feasible to instigate constructive action.

The investment strategies outlined here are offered by Multi-Manager through institutional separately managed accounts. The information and strategies discussed are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes and are primarily intended for institutional investors. They are not a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to buy or sell securities or to engage in any investment strategy. There is no guarantee that any of the strategies discussed will be successful. Past performance does not guarantee future outcomes. Every investment carries some level of risk. While there is the possibility of profit, there is also the possibility of loss.